What Ignited My Love For Data Science

1 minute read

Starting by outlining the purpose of data science in today’s world, this brief talk by Parker Addison sheds light into what ignited an interest in observing, analyzing, and communicating data.

This was scheduled as the first talk in a series of Ignite Talks with a theme of discovering and pursuing career paths. Ignite Talks are like super-fast TED talks—a speedy style of presentation in which slides advance automatically every 15 seconds, resulting in a 5-minute total run time.

Presented by Parker Addison at Ignite Talks UC San Diego (UCSD) 2019, on May 31. Hosted by Tritons for Sally Ride Science in partnership with Ignite Talks.

Ignite Talks UC San Diego: https://ignitetalksucsd.com/

Ignite Talks: https://ignitetalks.io

LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/parkeraddison

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